CTF Meeting Highlights from November 30, 2021

Sharing the Tiered Approach

The CTF has created a tiered approach to COVID mitigation strategies. This is a living document and is subject to change as information and needs change.

Lunch Plans for Cold Days

For now, if the temperature or wind chill is 32˚F or below (as determined by NOAA), we will enact a cold-weather eating plan. Two levels will eat first from 11:45-12:15 and the other two levels will eat from 12:15-12:45. One level will eat in the PEAC and one level will eat in the lunchroom. All students will sit 6 ft apart on mats and eat silently while listening to an audiobook.

School Vaccine Rates

86% of our students have received one dose of the COVID vaccine and 43% have had two doses. We encourage all of our community members to get vaccinated as it is the best defense against contracting and spreading COVID 19.


The CTF will watch the Omicron variant and adjust any protocols as needed. One potential step may be that we will require testing before returning to school after winter break.

Winter Break

Prior to the upcoming Winter Break, we will send a survey asking families about their plans during the break and offering the opportunity to check in with a CTF member about their plans, if they’d like. We will also talk to Fitchburg Family Pharmacy about the possibility of testing on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day.

Mixing Levels Indoors

The Monday/Friday Committee asked if they could schedule combined level Studio time indoors starting January 10. The CTF doesn’t recommend combining levels indoors while community spread is in the HIGH category, but we will look at the numbers again when we return from break.